
Dear Members

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Monkstown FC will be held at 8.00pm on Thursday 25th May in the clubhouse at Sydney Parade.

The agenda will be as follows: 1) Minutes of the 2016 AGM. 2) Hon. Secretary’s report for season 2016/17. 3) Hon. Treasurer’s report for season 2016/17. 4) Election of Honorary Officers for season 2017/18. 5) Election of Hon. Auditors 6) Notice of Motion: That the rate of Players Subscription be increased to €150 p.a. 7) A.O.B.

The AGM will be preceeded by a Special General Meeting at 7.30pm on Thursday 25th May.

For the purpose of considering, and if thought fit, passing the resolution; That approval is given for the execution of a Deed of Charge in favour of Dublin City Council in respect of the Grant received from the Community Gain Liaison Committee of the Council.


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