President's Message

Dear Members, 

I am deeply honoured and proud to have been re-elected President of Monkstown Football Club, one of the oldest and most illustrious Rugby Union Clubs in Ireland for 2021/22.

Last season was a very different season for Monkstown for obvious reasons and while there was very little rugby played, the Executive Committee were working away throughout and have made great progress off the pitch.

Through the generosity of our members and sponsors, the Club is now on a sound financial footing and we have a solid platform to grow and improve rugby and other facilities. Our Minis continue to go from strength to strength throughout the pandemic and we had almost 250 kids attending on a weekly basis when we were permitted. Our Ladies Rugby Team is up and running and we will look to build on that success in the coming year. We continue to co-operate closely with Pembroke Cricket Club and our ambition is to have a club that is available and used by members of both the Rugby and Cricket clubs all year round. We have re-engaged with Dublin Business School (DBS) to further build our strategic relationship that will be of mutual benefit with regards to playing and the use of our facilities.

This year I continue to be supported by the Senior Vice president Frank Condon and the Junior Vice President Peter Fagan. The immediate priorities that we have agreed are:

  • Continue to build on our strong relationship with Pembroke Cricket Club
  • Ongoing focus on our fundraising – and ensuring that we are adequately positioned financially
  • Continue to embed Monkstown FC in the local community, building a player, member, and supporter base
  • Further develop our strategic relationship with Dublin Business School (DBS)


Of course, we will be relying on you to get behind your club again throughout this year whether it’s by coming to a game and supporting the team or by supporting one of our fundraising events throughout the season.

The Clubhouse has will be reopening in the coming week (we will communicate the date separately to you) and we look forward to welcoming you all back. Please know that you bar credit from last year will be carried forward to this season but that all purchases must be made by card – we will no longer be accepting cash at the bar.

Please come down and support your team and club and we can’t wait to see you all again very soon!


Eamonn Tuffy,
President Monkstown FC, September 2021

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